More stenciling!

I didn’t realize when I had written my last post that so many people have never done, or even heard of, freezer paper stenciling or potato stamping!  They are both such fun and relatively simple ways to add a unique touch to any fabric – clothes, pillows, napkins, bags, etc.  If you want to find out more about freezer paper stenciling, there are lots of tutorials and examples you can find online, for example, Dana has a pretty in depth tutorial here.  And here’s a basic tutorial on potato stamping on paper, which is basically the same as stamping on fabric – just be sure to use permanent fabric paint and put paper or cardboard under the fabric so the paint doesn’t bleed through to the other side.  Also, be sure to read the directions for whatever fabric paint you use, because some of them need to be treated or set differently.

stenciling workshop // you & mie

Well, the workshop I did with the high schoolers last week went really really well!  I loved sharing the freezer paper stencil technique with them and they all did such a great job getting creative and having fun their projects.  They were so into the stenciling that we never actually got around to stamping!

stenciling workshop // you & mie

It was really fascinating to see how each student approached the project.  Some just dove right in and moved quickly through the process.  Some spent hours on one detailed design.  Others were able to finish several projects in one day.  Some asked lots of questions so they wouldn’t miss a step.  Others tried to figure things out for themselves.  And they all ended up with projects to be proud of.

stenciling workshop // you & mie

A couple of them mentioned that they really enjoyed having the freedom to choose whatever image they wanted and then personalize something with that image.  When you think about where high schoolers are at developmentally and how important expression of identity is, you realize that a project like this can be pretty empowering.

stenciling workshop // you & mie

But really, I’m hoping that they at least had some fun 🙂  I know I did!

stenciling workshop // you & mie

There were a couple of projects that I finished too.  The first was the cat onesie for Kaya.

Stenciled cat onesie // you & mie

Stenciled cat onesie // you & mie

In hindsight, I could have printed the cat a little higher on the onesie, but otherwise, pretty cute, right?

And I also finished my “Makers Gonna Make” shirt for me using Delia’s free printable . . .

makers gonna make shirt // you & mie

you can see the basic steps of the stenciling process here: 1. draw or trace design onto freezer paper and cut out stencil, 2. iron stencil onto fabric, 3. apply fabric paint, let dry and repeat with second coat of paint, 4. peel off stencil to reveal image and heat set paint, if necessary.

I’m so glad that I tried this technique!  It’s so fun and gives you the ability to create something truly one-of-a-kind.  The possibilities are endless!  I got my freezer paper from here and one roll will last you quite a long time.

Do you freezer paper stencil?  If you haven’t yet, do you think you will try it?

20 thoughts on “More stenciling!

  1. i love them! especially the city skyline 🙂 and i love the tail on the back of Kaya’s shirt ❤
    this will be my next project 😀 btw can I get freezer paper at Walmart? or Shoprite?

    • I’ve never tried Walmart or Shoprite, but it seems like it’s pretty common in some areas, but not others. I couldn’t find it at my local grocery stores, but other people say they can find it anywhere. So I would just look, next time you’re shopping. It’s supposed to be next to the aluminum foil and saran wrap.

  2. I haven’t tried it, but I’m really curious about it! I have freezer paper… I’d like to get my kids involved with it, too. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old, and they are always so proud of their creations. I think they would love to wear clothes that they helped make!

    PS Your daughter is really adorable! And I love that cat onesie. Hopefully she doesn’t outgrow it too quickly!!

  3. Really nice work with stencilling. 🙂 I’ve bought all the material to start stencilling some of my kids clothes, but I’m scared to death to try! It seems so easy from you pics. Maybe that will inspire me!

    • Ooh, it’s so fun! Definitely try it. If you’re scared, then start with some scrap fabric or older t-shirts, or maybe stuff from the thrift store. Start with simpler patterns (like a star), before you try cutting a really elaborate pattern. Good luck and have fun!

  4. awww, can I have this onesie? and your cutie?^^ ..wish my little monsters would go back to that age (and size..) *sigh*
    Unfortunately freezer paper is rather expensive and rare here in germany. I would love to give it a try, but I guess for now I just stick with the potato method and make small print things.
    Recently I got the Idea of getting a custom made stamp with my labels name on it, or flowers (which I quite often print), or something.. it would make things so much easier and lasts like forever..
    *off to search for affordable freezer paper*

    • Aw man, I’m sorry, I never thought about accessibility in other countries! Do you have contact paper? It’s a large roll of paper that is sticky on one side? I used that for stenciling before I tried freezer paper, and though it’s not as easy to use, it works very similarly. I hope you find something!

      • thank you for your reply!! Unfortunately we also don´t have sticky paper..but I decided to buy a big roll (cheaper^^) of freezer paper in an onlineshop and share it with a friend~
        I´m totally looking forward to do some experiments with it!!
        As always – thanks for all the inspiration 😉

  5. So fun! I love the stencils you made. The cat is adorable with the tail poking up! The teens were really creative with their designs too.

  6. Ha! I was just looking at fabrics paints on the Dharma Trading Co. website because I really want to try this, and then I came over and read this. I am totally going to copy your Makers Gonna Make shirt, so cute. This will be a really fun project for the kids when they are older too!

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