A Couple of ‘Brella Dresses

Hey hey!  I’m here joining the It’s a Small World (blog tour), After All for Rae Hoekstra’s newest line of fabric for Cloud9, Small World.  I’m talking about Rae of Made By Rae glory, of course!  So when she asks you to check out her incredibly cute 100% organic baby wale corduroy, you say YES!  Which is exactly what I did.

An Umbrella Dress by you & mie

I picked two of the prints (which was hard to do since they are all so cute!) and made two things.  The first was this super simple A-line jumper for my toddler.  At 18 months, she’s got so many words and one of her latest obsessions has been “brellas.”  She loves umbrellas!  She asks for one often, even when it’s completely dry out.

An Umbrella Dress by you & mie

The fabric is called Singin’ in the Rain and it’s perfect for her!  Bright and cheery and covered with “brellas!”  I wanted to stick with a simple garment to let the print shine.  I used this tutorial and free pattern from Ikat Bag in size 2.  Of course, it’s totally baggy on my petite 18 month old, but that means she’ll be able to wear it forever!

An Umbrella Dress by you & mie

The fabric is a lightweight corduroy that is vibrant in color and wonderful to sew with.  It’s a great weight for garments as well as bags and pillows and all sorts of other things.  Usually when I think of corduroy, I think of fall or winter, but this is a really versatile fabric because it’s very thin and breathable so it’s great for all seasons!  And it’s soft and comfortable, which is important when you’re making kids clothes.

An Umbrella Dress by you & mie

And it’s 100% organic, which I love.  I’m really glad that Cloud9 is constantly adding more substrates to their selection.  Not only do they have great organic quilting cottons, but flannel, voile, canvas and of course, corduroy.  And it makes me feel good that I’m putting organic cotton on my kids and supporting a company that cares about the environment and people’s health.

An Umbrella Dress by you & mie

Another thing that Kaya is really into is her baby doll.  We ordered this little Asian baby doll from Amazon (affiliate link) for Yuki back before Kaya was born, but it came completely naked – not even with the undies it shows in the picture!  I made some diapers for her so Yuki could change her, but she only had an oversized real baby shirt hanging off her for a looong time.  Yuki never really took to the doll, but later Kaya became very attached to her, so Yuki gave it to her for Christmas.  I felt bad that the doll had no clothes so I FINALLY decided to make her a dress to go with Kaya’s and they are both very pleased (even if she doesn’t look like it in the picture)!

An Umbrella Dress by you & mie

Anyways, Kaya and I highly recommend this fabric.  There are lots of fun prints with a retro vibe to choose from and it’s so nice to sew and wonderful to wear!  Just ask this girl!

An Umbrella Dress by you & mie

Like I mentioned, I picked out another fabric for a totally different project and hopefully I’ll be back to blog that tomorrow!  What!?  Two blog posts in one week?  Crazy, I know!  But Rae makes me do crazy things!  Until then, be sure to check out the other stops on the Small World Tour.  Such cute creations . . .

Made by Rae
Skirt As Top
Girl Like the Sea
Probably Actually

Small World Fabric by Rae Hoekstra for Cloud9

This fabric was generously provided by Cloud9.  All opinions are 100% my own. 🙂

14 thoughts on “A Couple of ‘Brella Dresses

  1. Awww, so cute and adorable (dress & model). Beautiful fabric, I love the little pocket in contrasting fabric too.

  2. Everything about this is so sweet–‘brellas,’ ahhhhh! I’d never heard of Small World or Cloud9, so thank you for sharing! The fabric is beautiful!

  3. Pingback: Small World Backpack | you and mie

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